Burden for Europe

Living Seed is a worldwide labour to see REVIVAL in the Church of God. Living Seed Europe is a unit of this labour with particular focus on the Church in Europe.

Revival is a Divine visitation which leads to the recovery of the full expression of the Body of Christ and manifest the glory and richness of the Body of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The author of every revival is God, and the purpose is to glorify Jesus Christ and increase His Kingdom.

Revival brings a renewal of the work of the Holy Spirit, thus bringing us into a personal walk with God and a total devotion to His cause on the earth. As it can happen in an individual’s life, so can it happen in a congregation, in a community and in a generation.

We are committed to a Biblical pattern of ministry which will lead to a congregational re-awakening with consequent fresh outpouring of the Holy Ghost, bringing freshness, renewed faithfulness, and fruitfulness within the Body of Christ.

When revival broke forth in the first generation (as reported in the Acts of Apostles), it was said that:

“And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith” Acts 6:7 KJV

We have a quest to see such a fresh, widespread but sovereign revival in our generation as this. We trust The Lord that we will see a restoration of Biblical order in our time.

The need for sanctified men

While the activator of revival is the Holy Spirit, men are used as instruments, vessels, and channels of manifesting the revival.

It is the will of God that the “holy things of the tabernacle” must be borne on the shoulders of sanctified men (Numbers 4:4-15; Numbers 7:9). There is therefore a need for sanctified men to birth, receive and carry forward the revival we seek for in our time, else we will just be chasing shadows.

God’s method of raising such men for His move in every generation is by discipleship – whether in the Old or New Testament.

We see that discipleship was the chosen method of Jesus Christ (who is the Divine pattern Son both for life and ministry). The apostles equally followed in His steps. Therefore, to raise agents of transformation in our time cannot be by different methods or means.

This is the basis for our revival labours: to see God send this promised revival into our various congregations, towns, and cities within the nations of Europe and beyond, through the hands of men and women who are Divine arrows of revival, shaped, sharpened, trimmed, and polished for revival.

We need men and women in the Church who have received the gospel – the full gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Disciples, who have known the Truth and living the truth in liberty from the power and dominion of sin.

Men and women who will confront the present conceptual decay and moral confusion, both within and outside the Church.

Every time, in every generation that God is allowed to raise such men and women for His own glory, the heavens open and His Presence descends gloriously.

We believe that as The Lord opens the door of His Church to us in Europe, He will lend unto us vessels, whom He will prepare for this imminently coming revival.

We are not a church organisation or denominational body, but we serve the Body of Christ without boundary.

To find out how we can work together in raising agents of transformation, please explore what we do and other materials on this website. Do not hesitate to contact us as you may have need to find out more.

God bless you and do have a fruitful browsing through these pages.

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