When He Comes
By Gbile Akanni
This book is a reprint of an earlier version The Resurrection and the Life is Here. A 100-page paperback, it deals with revival, restoration and the miracle of resurrection and life. The author uses the story of the death and the bringing back to life (resurrection) of Lazarus to bring out the principles of revival of the Church, the bride and friend of Jesus.
Divided into nine short chapters, the first three of which deal with the present condition of distress in the Church. Just like Martha, many are crying out concerning the Church today: “Master, him whom Thou lovest is sick!”
Chapter Four deals with why Jesus delayed His visit to His friends in Bethany. Why did He have to wait till Lazarus died? This is the same dilemma the Church is in today. While His love for His bride is not in doubt, His seeming delay in visiting us raises a conflict in many hearts. Is this because we cannot see as He sees? This chapter together with chapters Five and Six deal much on that.
Chapter Seven gently cautions us about empty doctrine and display of head knowledge in seeking revival: “Martha was a principal seeker of Jesus for the deliverance of Lazarus. She took the lead in sending for Jesus; but something seemed to have happened to her faith in the whole thing. Everything Martha said to Jesus was theologically correct. She was committed to doctrine so much that she could not see the personality of Christ standing right there with her” (pages 64 – 65)
This type of attitude can delay the revival we are seeking just like Martha’s doctrinal discussion and interruption delayed the Master on the way to raise Lazarus.
Chapter Eight however encourages the attitude of Mary. To trust Him, take Him to the source of the decay and simply obey when He instructs. Why? Because He has come to wake him (Lazarus) up!
Chapter Nine concludes on a note of hope and victory. Titled “He Is Here”, it draws our attention to the scripture:
“I am the resurrection and the life, He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)
In this chapter the author encourages us to touch Jesus so we can touch life; and that can only happen as we believe “this”. Jesus asks us today as He asked Martha on that day, “Do you believe this?”
This book is recommended for anyone who has a heart cry for revival in our present time. Easy to read yet powerful in laying out the sure principles that must precede any visitation of the Lord.
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