From Bleak To Bliss


By Gbile Akanni 


From Bleak to Bliss is one of many books written by Gbile Akanni. It is a practical guide for anyone who desires to enter the fullness of God’s purpose through discipleship.

This amazing book of 167 pages is filled with precious gleanings from the book of Ruth. It is a 12-chapter book with an in-depth knowledge of God on discipleship.


First 6 Chapters

The first 6 chapters entail the backsliding of a family, bereavement, and losses as a result of sojourning out of God’s plan as revealed in Chapter 1.

In the midst of all the upheavals and setbacks, the merciful and gracious call to return home in Chapter 2 followed, which launched them into the beginning of the harvest.

Chapters 3 and 4 reveals the unflinching decision of Ruth to follow the God of Israel under Naomi, and how Ruth was steadfastly minded to go all the way, even unto death. Indeed, the commitment of Ruth was to follow uncompromisingly and wholeheartedly.

In Chapter 5 and 6, Ruth settled into discipleship, and learned of the God of Israel under Naomi. Her faithfulness under His wings brought the next chapter of her life into the rest of God. If like Ruth, you have steadfastly submitted under the mighty hand of God in concerted discipleship, then God is committed to bringing you into His divine rest.


Last 6 Chapters

The last 6 chapters unveil the reward of God for every faithful disciple who follows wholeheartedly in a concerted discipleship relationship.

Chapters 7 and 8 reveal the wisdom of God in settling Ruth into His inheritance for her. Indeed, God makes ALL things to work together for the good of those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose. Ruth had responded to the call of discipleship and the Lord arranged all things to bring her into His divine purpose.

Chapter 9 shows that paying the price of discipleship, leads to the prize of God. The nearer kinsman jeopardised his eternal relevance because of temporal pursuit. Every disciple must be aware of the cost of discipleship and be willing to pay the price of losing themselves to gain the prize of God.

In Chapter 10, Ruth was redeemed and married to Boaz. Discipleship is not an aimless venture; this is God’s design for bringing every faithful disciple into their glorious destiny, which is to be redeemed and married (united) with Jesus, so that the fruit of His redemption can be seen in their lives.

Chapters 11 and 12 reveal that the life of Ruth was well planned out by God as she stayed faithful to the Lord in discipleship. She was grafted into the royal family of Jesus, though a Moabite and from an accursed land. God changed all that. Who can tell what extent God can take a life that is fully surrendered to Him? The life of Ruth is a testimony.



What will your gleaning from this book be, for keeps? A life totally sold out to God in discipleship can never be a waste in time and eternity.

The mystery of discipleship is a lost gospel and a lost practice in our churches today. Many do not understand that it has been God’s method for raising correct lives as revealed throughout the Scriptures.

Anyone desiring to enter into the rest, reality, and fullness of God in all areas, cannot ignore the platform of discipleship, spiritual covering, and training under human handlers. You may have all of God’s promises but God’s method of bringing any life into its fulfilment is through discipleship. This book will be your companion on this narrow road less travelled.

For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus, I have begotten you through the gospel. (1 Corinthians 4:15, NKJV).

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