Pathway To Leadership

Pathway To Leadership

by Gbile Akanni


“What matters to God about any man He places over His household is the life of the man himself- the nature and quality. Concerning this, God will not budge an inch in compromise. This is often the point of struggle, and the reason for the delays and sometimes the abortion of several calls.”

This is the main burden of this 173-page paperback. Divided into 9 chapters, the book addresses the matter of how God prepares His man in the quarry site before lifting him to the position of leadership.

It draws examples of such men from the scriptures, from the lives of saints gone before, as well as the lives of men and women in our days who God first made before He sent them.

“The first pre-requisite in becoming usable in God’s hand is to say, “Here I am”. It is to present your life as an available material for the Potter to work upon.”

There is largely an omission of the “quarry site” making in today’s leadership. Many who though heard a call of God for divine use have jumped the “Here am I” stage. The stage of preparation of life and character and have rushed into leadership without being properly formed.

This book deals with that omission, which has impaired God’s work in our time. The author urges us to get to the Bible way of preparing men for leadership roles in the church and even in the society. A man who has not been purged (from sins and sacrifices which lead to intermittent and weak spirituality) by the live coal from heaven’s altar cannot occupy the position of leadership in God’s work. Many today are taking leadership positions while God is still declaring such positions vacant in heaven. He is still saying “Who shall we send, and who will go for us?”

In Chapter five, the author looks at the price of leadership – the cup and the baptism.

“For John and James, they only saw the seat on the right and left hand. They never envisaged the processing, the training, the taming, and the testing that qualify men for those leadership positions. They may appear vacant for a long time; God does not just fill them up with any available person unless he or she has met this ‘Cup and Baptism’ conditionality”

Chapter six deals much with the example of our Lord Jesus Himself, the servant leader. How He had to drink the cup of obedience and was baptised into the gruesome death of the cross. “…Wherefore, God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name…” (Philippians 2:9).

The last three chapters dealt with the lives and the making of Moses, Daniel, and Joseph as examples of leaders. In these men, the author highlighted further the making of God’s kind of leaders – the instruments, the curriculum, and examples of such like lives that God prevailed upon. Chapter nine, the last chapter deals extensively with Joseph and his pathway to leadership. This is a chapter worth reading more than once!

Pathway To Leadership is highly recommended for anyone who desires the position of leadership, which thing is a good desire. The principles highlighted in it will set such a one on course for great things in the hands of the Lord who only can MAKE His man.

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